Why I Write Blogs (Even If They Don’t Make Money)

Why I Write Blogs (Even If They Don’t Make Money)
Photo by Etienne Girardet / Unsplash

Ever wondered why people write blogs even when they don’t make any money?

Yeah, me too.

But you know what? I do it anyway. And here’s why.

1. Memories – Like a Time Capsule

person holding white mini bell alarmclock
Photo by Lukas Blazek / Unsplash

Writing is kinda like taking photos, but with words.

Have you ever looked back at an old post and thought, “Wow, I totally forgot about that!”?

It’s a way to capture your thoughts, your life, your journey. 

Years later, you’ll be glad you did.

2. Remember Stuff Better – Active Recall

person in white long sleeve shirt holding white book
Photo by Guzel Maksutova / Unsplash

Ever read a book and forget everything two weeks later?


That’s why I write about what I learn. Book reviews, notes, random thoughts—it helps me actually remember things.

Like, can you name the last five books you read? Probably not.

But if you wrote about them, you could.

3. Leaving Something Behind – Your Legacy

person opening photo album displaying grayscale photos
Photo by Laura Fuhrman / Unsplash

I never met my grandpa, but he wrote a book.

And reading that book? Man, it felt like I knew him.

Made me think—when I’m gone, how will people remember me?

Writing (or even making videos) is a way to leave something behind. A little piece of you, out there in the world.

So, what motivates you to write?

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

Money’s cool, sure. But writing is about more than that.

It’s about memories. Growth. Legacy.

And honestly? It’s just fun.

So, what’s stopping you?